
Cannot get file path for type library
Cannot get file path for type library

cannot get file path for type library
  1. Cannot get file path for type library full#
  2. Cannot get file path for type library code#
  3. Cannot get file path for type library windows#

I would probably have to look into the source code further before I can say too much about it.

From counting the distance from the root to the working folder, there are 5 levels each, and referencing the fails unless it's exactly 5 levels deep. Laner107 said in Cannot find : Permission Denied: And if its not that do you have any idea why it would be giving me the undefined errors even though they are in the library.

Cannot get file path for type library windows#

My guess is that it tries to resolve the typing files at specific levels relative to the app root, but that root could be the distance from wherever the / path would take it (so at the root of the drive for Windows and the root of the computer for Linux/Mac). I'm trying to build a project with Visual Studio and I get the following two errors: C:\secrets\ (2545,5): warning MSB3284: Cannot get the file path for type library '00020813-0000-0000-c000-000000000046' version 1.9. Thank you.Emit Failed: app \ui \.tsĮrror: Cannot find type definition file for 'node '.Įmit Failed: app \ui \forms \.tsĮmit Failed: app \windows \credential-window \app \.tsĮmitted: app \windows \credential-window \app \views \.tsĮmitted: app \windows \credential-window \app \views \.tsĮmitted: app \windows \credential-window \app \views \.tsĪll three of the ones that were successful were at the exact same level, whereas the four that failed were at lower levels. I need to access information that only the OCX can read. The company that created the original OCX is no longer in business, and I do not have the original component installer.Īny ideas what I can do to get this OCX working ? I don't want to use the OCX on a form. I removed the IMAGINELib reference and kept the AxIMAGINELib reference, thinking it wouldn't need both references and because the IMAGINELib reference had the little yellow triangle. I registered olepro32.dll in the syswow64 directory, but not in the system32 directory because it didn't exist. I have registered the OCX using regsvr32, both in the windows\system32 directory and windows\syswow64 directories.

cannot get file path for type library

For instance, regsvr32 c:program filescommon filesmicrosoft shareddaodao360.dll. If libraries cannot be found in the Available References list use Browse.

cannot get file path for type library

Cannot get file path for type library full#

(Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002801D (TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED))Ī brief search seems to indicate that "bef6e001-a874-101a-8bba-00aa00300cab" points to olepro32.dll. Step 2: Press Enter and type the full path of the missing library file. Select the SOLIDWORKS type libraries as shown below. When I go to the Output tab of VS, it shows the following warning immediately preceding the above error: Cannot get the file path for type library "bef6e001-a874-101a-8bba-00aa00300cab" version 2.0. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. When I try to run the application, I get the following error in the "Error List" tab of VS: Could not resolve COM reference "8a4feb20-a486-11cf-be99-0020afd208b9" version 1.0. In the properties, it shows it is of type "AxIMAGINELib.AxIMAGinE". I am able to add the control to the form. The IMAGINELib references has the little yellow triangle signifying there is an issue with the reference. When I do, it adds two references: AxIMAGINELib and IMAGINELib.

cannot get file path for type library

I am able to add the control to the ToolBox. In order to load a type library, all dependent type libraries must either be in the same directory path as the type library that you are trying to load or the dependent tlbs must be registered on the system. I am rewriting an old VB6 application in c# on a Win10Pro64bit computer.

Cannot get file path for type library