
Transformice adventures
Transformice adventures

transformice adventures

Opens the Job change menu when interacted. Was originally a character in Transformice "Hmm… I h-hope everything will be a-alright." Every so often people leave flowers in front of it." "This fountain has been here since I was a little mouse. "School will resume in a few weeks as most teachers are helping at the Capital." References the game's Kickstarter campaign. I’ll find you a cool bird buddy like mine!" "My buddy here loves this place, don’t ya? Don’t forget to help us on Kickstarter before June 7th if you can! I believe that information comes in several forms, especially when you don’t expect it.įresh and rare informations from the field make the best articles!" "What am I doing? Isn’t it obvious? I am waiting for something to happen. Or maybe you’re interested in some brand new clothes? You could surely benefit from a shinier hat." "Come on, come on! You look hungry, don’t you want some fresh fruit? Today’s menu is chef Gustave’s Sauteed hazelnut with a glass of blueberry wine. "How do you want your cheese, standard, sliced or melted, (sir|madam)? We also have several kind of juices and wine. Soon it will be time for me to explore the unknown world." But… The smell of adventure is lurking! Don’t you feel it? "It’s been a while since my last journey. Who knows what kind of strange mixture you could come up with." Or your tail will end up on today’s menu.Īnd don’t mix everything you find together. "I better not catch you eating something you found on the ground. How can I enjoy a fine wine in this situation?" But they are working on rebuilding things in the Ancient Capital and people are running all over the place. "You planning on going outside equipped with that, mate? Hm.


"Hello-o! I am Elise, nice to meet you! I am the owner of this stable, feel free to talk to my friend Scarf here if you have little buddies to take care of!" References the board used to select dungeons. People that need help put their requests on it." "Hey, if you want some action, you should check this board. I want to discover unexplored lands, just like Indiana did!" "You look like you are an adventurer too? That’s so cool! You’ll be my rival! But don’t expect me to go easy on you! "Are you new here? If you're lost, you should look out for blue logos." Oh, if you aren't sure whether or not you can eat some of the plants please ask! I don't want you to get sick." "Hi there young lad! What can I do for you? Are you a plant lover? You should ask that white furred lad from the forge if you want a new career too." "Yesterday he was a journalist, last week an adventurer, and now my grandson wants to be a botanist.

transformice adventures

The Ancient Capital is still being reconstructed, so we don’t want people to run around."

transformice adventures

"I’m sorry but I can’t let ya go that way. I should ask lady Cynthia if she has some fertilizer to help these poor babies." "My plants aren't looking so good lately. This made me want to be just like her, and I’m working hard to forge the best tools I can!" You can see how passionate she is just by looking in her eyes! "Have you talked to Ember? She’s such a great blacksmith. I still can’t wall jump like the others, and I always miss the target with my cannonball." "My teacher told me I can expect a good future if I keep studying hard. "There's an old guy always trying to fish in the river. "I am waiting for them to fill the cart so I can deliver to other shops." I don’t know what exactly, and I’m too scared to figure this out." Care to listen? I think beetles are up to something. Was seen with the name "Pinto" in some alpha footage. Though… I'm wondering if a second sword would've been better." That’s why I asked Ember for this shield. "I’ve been asked to escort some workers to the neighbouring town. "Don’t you like this place? The wind carries the flowers’ perfume all around here."

transformice adventures

We are offering accessories and plushies to afford what we need." "My brother Kicks and I are travelling, we’re just making a stop here for supplies. Was originally a character in Transformice. "Heya buddy! Where are ya heading? I can give ya a ride back to the Mice Village if you want!"

Transformice adventures